Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Surprise! I bet you did not think you would hear from me this quickly! I took some new pictures of the twins and I just had to post them. Can you tell that I am shaking a toy right above the camera? Do you have any idea how difficult it is to entertain twins, get them to laugh at the same time, shake a toy close to the camera and keep a steady hand???

Tom is so incredibly handsome

He is starting to add a little weight to his small frame

Elizabeth and Tom holding hands...well, sort of

Elizabeth is right in the middle of a sentence

She is such a ham!

As you can tell from the pictures above, Tom is sporting a new accessory with his lenses. He has had the glasses for a couple of weeks and he is doing really well. Of course there are times when he wants to rip them off of his face and chew on them or Elizabeth would like to snack on them....but for the most part he is the best glasses-wearning 10 month old I have ever encountered!

I have a prayer request I would like to share and hope I could put you guys to work: On Monday, the sweet Wilkerson family, discovered Rollins, their two year old little girl has Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, ALL. They just created a site via Caring Bridge and you can visit them at Pray for painless chemo treatments, strong parents and endless support.


Anonymous said...

So glad you made a quick post. Makes up for the big lull prior to the last post. Great pictures. Can't wait to see you all this weekend! I know the kids have missed me. Time for some more quality time with Uncle V!

Maggie Pelton said...

I will pray for them. I'm about to check out their website. I LOVE Tom's glasses!! He looks absolutely adorable! Oh, and, yes I was shocked to see another update so soon! Way to go!

Anonymous said...

so freakin cute!!! i told you little "t" would be even cuter with his new glasses, he looks really smart. hope to see you this weekend. thanks for putting rollins' website up there.