Wednesday, April 2, 2008

March Flew By!!!

I know, I know - I always say that I am going to post more frequently and it never happens...I am trying to get better - I promise!!! Rather than telling you about all the fun things that took place during March Madness, I thought I would show you what we have been up to reverse order.

Of course there was a very chilly Easter.... Tom is learning to sit up on his own and yes, my
son is wearing knee-highs.

Elizabeth is her typically giggly self.

Sweet Godfather, V.J., getting in some baby practice; now, if he could

only come home with us and rock Tom to sleep every night. It was Easter and the twins sat with the Easter Bunny at Brookwood Mall - the pictures turned out great!! It always amazes me how some random individual dresses in the huge bulky costume and I just give him (or her) my two small children to hold while I snap pictures. Looking back, what on Earth?!? I freak out when my friends and family try to hold Elizabeth and Tom at the same time and here I am trusting a stranger camouflaged in a white bunny suit?

I had to get a close up of the hairdo - complements of Grandmother Graffeo
It is somewhat spiky, or aka buttercup
Grandmother Powell comes to visit a couple times a week and loves
taking the twins for a stroll - hopefully this warm weather is here to stay! Tom's first four wheeler ride with Daddy.
Happy Birthday Granddaddy Graffeo!!! Granddaddy's birthday was also Saint Patrick's Day - hence the green outfits
Elizabeth did not have anything, so she borrowed Tom's hat.
which was a little snug. Saint Patty's Day was also Berkeley's Birthday -
I am so glad she shared her birthday dessert with me! DELICIOUS!!! Girlfriend Kate came to visit and the girls went shopping!
The twins are growing quickly and it is amazing to see them experience new things everyday. I appreicate ALL of your emails and encouragement about updating our blog - it is nice to know that you are so interested in our wonderful world of twins! Stay tuned for some great pictures for the Great - Grandparents!


Brandace said...

Hey Christina,
I can't believe how much Elizabeth and Tom have grown! They are so beautiful/handsome and I love keeping up with y'all through your blog. Hope all is well and hope to see you soon.
Take care!!

Maggie Pelton said...

Great update! I love all of the new pictures. Tom and Elizabeth are getting so big!! By the way...I love the knee socks and if we ever have a son he surely will wear them, too!!

Sue said...

Such cute pictures! I love the update...I have been missing seeing new pictures. our house, we refer to those as knee socks...I think it makes it a little more palatable for Nick! :)

The Reeds said...

So, I'm guessing my email didn't help you with the layout? I'm sorry! I love the new post! The twins are adorable, as always!

Leigh Collins said...

Hey Christina - had no idea you had twins! Congrats! They are so cute. Come visit our blog sometime!