Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Neonatal Cardiologist

Last week Tom went to his first cardiologist appointment, since he left the hospital. He was a perfect baby during the three hour visit and never cried! I am happy to report that he is gaining weight (he is a hefty 6 pounds 11 ounces) and all of his vital signs look good. Dr. Jones said Tom still needs to take his heart medication for his arrhythmia, but otherwise is happy with his progress.
Tom and I were excited to hear the good news and are encouraged that there is a chance that Little Tom may outgrow this condition. Nearly 40% of babies diagnosed will outgrow this in their first year of life and we hope Tom is one of those! Regardless, the condition is not life threatening and can be regulated with medication. Since this visit went so well, I decided to pack up the twins and spend some time in Birmingham. Needless to say this Powell family first road trip was definitely adventure - I will write more about this during the next post...I have some hungry babies on my hands!
As always, we ask for nothing more than prayers and continued support as we watch our babies grow and continue the doctor visits. In particular, we ask that you send prayers for Tom so he will, in fact, outgrow this arrhythmia and continue to have a strong heart; that he continues to eat and gain weight; and the past struggles are a distant memory that we will never need to repeat. Good reports from here on out! Please pray that proud parents will continue to find strength in each other to handle all that comes along with parenthood.
Here are a few photos from the doctor visit; both Toms did great!!


Erin said...

We are thrilled to hear of Tom's progress and that you braved a road trip! You are seriously super mommy! I love the look on Daddy Tom's face...so proud. Our prayers will continue for sure. Thanks for your update. They look about ready for an invasion of Gus!!! Parenthood is such an adventure & we have so many great memories in store for us! Love, love...Erin, Luke & Gus

mlb said...

It's Melissa Butler, Craig's wife (VJ's college friend). I don't know how this didn't come up in conversations b/w craig and vj but our 6 month old Elizabeth also has an arrythmia (35 days in the NICU was not our idea of her ideal welcome to the world). We were just at the cardiologist on Monday at UAB and he said to come back when she is one year and we will discuss options then but to just maintain with meds. It is so unusual that you are dealing with the same thing just a few months later. I didn't realize that he had trouble until VJ filled me in last week and I asked him to forward your blog. I haven't updated in a while, but check out Elizabeth at www.loftinbutler.blogspot.com/

Take care and CONGRATULATIONS!!!