Friday, June 19, 2009

Guess What We Are Up To...

Yes, that is right - I am attempting to potty train my little girl!! She has been showing signs for the past couple of weeks (insisting I change her diaper immediately after something happens), but I have been in denial that she is actually ready. Not to mention I am also wondering how I am going to throw new event this into the mix of our daily routine. I am very proud to say that Elizabeth's first trip to the potty she went poopy and I did take a picture, but against my will I have decided not to post it. I was so proud of her and I thought, gosh this is going to be a breeze. Well, let's just say that was the only time something has actually made it into the potty. I feel as though I have a new puppy in the house, which everyone keeps telling me this is normal....but when will it end?
So we are about a week into the training and Elizabeth is in pull-ups and big girl underwear (I hate the p-word). I am completely open to any suggestions, I really have no clue what to do, but I am very eager to hear what worked for you! Oh, i have tried M&Ms and she does not like them, but she does like her cookies and stickers.
I cannot post without adding pictures of the boys...
Sweet, handsome Tom
Curious Elizabeth
The largest Powell baby yet..


Jana said...

Its just proof that us girls are more advanced...even from an earyly age:) I am SO impressed at under 2 Elizabeth, and you, are potty training. I can't even imagine how you do it! You deserve a pat on the back and a day at the spa!

Rachel @ Moments With My Miracles said...

YOU are super mom, girl!!! Let me just say, that potty training with Ellie Kate has not been easy. Even though I thought she was ready, I probably should have waited several more months. I truly think the closer they are to 3 then it's just easier. However, about 6 weeks into training, we are down to about 1 accident a day and sometimes none. I have no tricks or tips as everything I did with Samuel did not work with EK. Each child is so different! I think just read her signs and do what you think is best for her personality. And if she doesn't get it, then wait a few more months and try again. Good luck!

Margaret Worrell said...

You always amaze me! We can't wait to come visit! Let's plan a date soon!

The Evans said...

Anderson was showing signs of potty-training at 18 months. All of a sudden, it came to an abrupt halt. It was not until one of her pre-school friends was wearing big girl underwear that she started showing signs again. At age 2, she was fully potty-trained. I give praises to Anderson's wonderful teachers for making this happen. Keep up the work, and she will truly amaze you. Love the pictures of the kids. Hope ya'll are having a wonderful summer.