Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!!

Happy Father's Day to all you daddies out there! We had a great weekend, that included a trip to Birmingham and a major cookout today with the Graffeo / Powell / Zicarelli clan! Since I have not uploaded those pictures yet, I selected one of my favorite pictures of my husband.
I am so lucky because Tom puts up with my crazy hormones - three kids in 20 months - can you imagine the roller coaster I have been on? He is super with the kiddos, he is not afraid to watch all three by himself, he can literally carry on a conversation with anyone. More importantly, and after much training, he knows the little things are the most important to me and he can layout on the beach with me (under an umbrella, with 50 sunblock, a good book and a beer) for several hours.
So here is to my Babies' Daddy - I love you!


Anonymous said...

you crack me up! i love how you referred to him as your babies' daddy :)
i am impressed elizabeth pooped on the potty! madeline thinks it is so fun to sit on her potty but she has yet to do anything on it. she will sit on it for a while then stand up and pee on the floor! i totally know what you mean about feeling like their is a new puppy in the house :) madeline has a long way to go!

The Evans said...

What a sweet, sweet pic of Tom and JW!