Thursday, June 4, 2009

John William Goes to the Doctor

John William sleeps through his first bath at home....
Mia assists with the process John William goes to the doctor on 4/16/09 and Dr. B is
very happy with his development thus far!
Weight: 7 pounds
Height: 19 1/2 inches
Head: 35 1/4
He is pretty much sleeping and eating all day every day - I still feed him every three hours which really does not take long at all and it is different doing the feedings with just one child - I actually get to hold him in my arms!
...and while Tom is at work, I have my Manny (Papa) come with us to the doctor
Similar to Tom and Elizabeth, I always take a picture in their birthday suit on the scale.
A close-up of my hunk at his next doctor's appointment on 5/3/09.
Growing is an under statement!
Weight: 12 pounds, 50th%
Height: 22", 30th%
Head 39 1/2 inches, 50th%
I am so proud of JW, it is awesome having a child that is actually 'on the charts'! This little guy is a great baby. I hate to jinx anything, but he is regularly sleeping through the night. I really owe the credit to Mom's on Call. I used them with the twins (at nearly four months) and learned the sooner I stick to their schedule the sooner he will be a sleeping baby. He may eat once during the night, but he goes to bed about 9pm, wakes around 6, then eats at 10, 2, and 4. Yes, that is right only five feedings in a day and somehow it gets done while I watch the other two.
My he has grown! He is sleeping and eating great -

and he still loves his baths


Jana said...

What is the feeding/sleeping secret you learned? PLEASE share!!

Jana said...

Oh and by the way he is super cute! I love those sweet cheeks and perfect lips!

Anonymous said...

he is precious!!! i am so impressed w/ you! you are super mom :)

The Evans said...

He is just adorable! That is awesome about the eating/sleeping schedule. You definitley have gotten it down after having twins!

Rachel @ Moments With My Miracles said...

sweet, sweet, sweet! great job on the nice schedule and sleep training! that's awesome!!! you need to share some of your tips:)