Thursday, July 22, 2010

April and May??

Here are a few random pictures I have been meaning to post for quite awhile!!!
Mommy is finally getting back into shape and completed 3 5Ks 3 weeks in a row, whew! Thanks to a loving hubby, I headed out with the twins for two runs and John William for one. My favorite run was Pound the Pavement for Peter - I forgot my camera but there were literally hundreds of strollers and an amazingly flat course!!! Yeah!! Here is a pic at the finish line for the hilliest race ever (which will remain nameless) - it was miserable trying to run and push 50 pounds uphill - let's just say I did a little up hill power walking and grunting. Other than the course, it was so well planned and it was their first time....hopefully we will have a new course next year! Thanks Uncle Eddie for helping push and Aunt B for the motivation!
Not sure why, but I love this photograph. This is typical of the crazy Atlanta weather we were having in April. One day you are wearing a long sleeve shirt and corduroy pants and the next day you are wearing a sleeveless dress. Tom and Elizabeth get really confused because they can't understand why one day you wear a jacket and your are still cold and the next it is 80 degrees and playing in the water. Oh well. John Williams first time at Mighty Jumps - and he looved it! Tom is still not a fan of jumpy things, but was a great sport. We are spending lots of time working on him warming up to this and he will come around when he is ready.
Other than his bed, this is John Williams favorite place to be
This is the face that says, can I please have some more apple sauce?
I swear he eats more than Elizabeth and Thomas combined!
Saturday afternoon lunch with Grandmother Powell.
Elizabeth is writing Grandmother's order...Mexican of course!
Fun afternoon at JoJo and Toppy's
I really have no clue what he was looking at, but I wish it was the camera
Typically we don't take off all of our clothes and play in the fountain. But since JoJo cleaned it that day (accidentally left the water running for maybe a couple of hours?), why not? It's hot outside!
Check out the hair! Can you tell he does not like getting his haircut, so we avoid it?
Mother's Day 2010 with my oldest
...with my middle child
...and with my baby
....and now all three. Is anyone looking at the camera? Nope, just enjoying goldfish!

1 comment:

Yancey said...

The kids are getting so big. Hope you are doing well. Congrats on completing the 5Ks. That is an accomplishment in and of itself. We are headed to Atlanta in September to celebrate Anderson's 9th birthday at American Girl. Oh how the time flies by!