Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lorino Wedding Fun!!!

My sweet cousin Jennifer got married May 15th and the Powells had a blast!!! Here's Jennifer and her MIL (mother-in-law) on left and momma on right.
After the bridesmaid luncheon, Elizabeth wanted to try on mommy's heels
Uncle V.J. always pushing the envelope on exposing the kids to new things....
although John William did like the lemon.
This is what happens when the camera comes out. She was in a great mood, but just has this 'look' for the camera. We were in Birmingham at the fountain.
Here's my baby at the wedding - so big!! Not sure if you can tell, but his lips are pursed and he is making this windy sound, almost like he is trying to whistle - it's his favorite thing nowadays.
Me and all three in the back of the church while the wedding is taking place.
We lasted about five minutes before the Powell chatter started.
The Graffeo / Powell family moments before we head up to the reception at the Harbert Center.
Jennifer and Neil - such a beautiful couple....and a hunter, just like Tom!
Uncle Andy danced the night away with little Christina, I mean Elizabeth.
Mia and Nana look stunning!
Immediately after the wedding we drove to Sea Island, GA to start the Powell vacation. When I say immediately, I mean it - we changed in the car and drove through the night! Here we are getting on the elevator to leave - the wedding was so much fun!!!!
I snapped a few pictures while the Toms went to get the car...who knew my "Big City" husband from Atlanta would get turned around coming out of the parking lot across the street :)
While we wait, VJ entertains all with his dry sense of witty humor.
I really wish I could remember what he was saying to make everyone laugh!
Now this is the type of smile I wish she would display for the camera!
Vacation pictures will be up next!!


Yancey said...

Elizabeth is such a doll! And yes, she is 'little Christina'.

Megan McKenzie said...

Hey Christina! It was so good to see you at Charles' wedding. Please email me if yall are ever in Montgomery {or if you just need a place to drop an extra car off on your way to the beach :).
