I have an excellent University of Alabama education, but this blog is so fickle and the pictures are not in order. I have tried to fix it, but I listed the dates with the recap to help you follow along. Enjoy and please continue to pray for our family, in particular we ask that you continue to pray for good health for both twins; pray Tom continues to breathe on his own, pray that he is able to increase the number of daily bottles, pray his test continue to come back with positive results.
Saturday, August 11: Tom is still making great progress and physically looks amazing!!! Today we read him stories from the Brer Rabbit Collection and he cannot wait for the next book. Here is Nurse Andrea; as you can see from the note, he is already a ladies man! ...just for the record, the Tiger in his crib is from Uncle V.J.; it is a champion tiger, like Tiger Woods....not a wimpy tiger like that Auburn character.
Tom and I are very encouraged by the good reports that we continue to receive from the NICU doctors and nurses. I have included some pictures of our heavy weight champion!
Many thanks go to the amazing individuals in the Pod E NICU – I have included some photos of the nurses that are taking care of Tom around the clock. I will always remember Andrea as the nurse that first allowed me to touch my handsome son. It was the Greatest Day when I put ointment on his chapped lips and changed his diaper under her loving care. Sweet Beth is the angel that let me hold Tom for the first time.
Friday, August 10th: It was definitely hard checking out and knowing that Tom and I were not going to be under the same roof. Tom read Little Tom his first book, always a classic - Green Eggs and Ham.
Thursday, August 9th - The Greatest Day of the Year!!! The first time Tom and I were able to hold our son.
Tuesday, August 7th: My first time to lay eyes on Tom, definitely love at first site.
Wednesday, August 8th - It is so hard not having him in our room, but Mom and Dad visit all the time!
Our Nurse Beth, who we love regardless of their Auburn and Florida football affilations! Roll Tide!!
Friday, August 10th: A Sad See You Soon...
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5 years ago
Christina & Tom,
Townsend & I check on you everyday-so keep the posts coming! Isn't parenthood amazing? Glad to hear Little Miss Elizabeth is doing well & Tom is improving. If he's anything like his parents, he has to be one determined little fella. Our prayers are definitely with all four of you! Can't wait to meet them- Laura is also looking forward to meeting her new friends in ATL.
Take care & please know that many, many prayers are being said for you each day.
We love you!
Powell Family...you are in our prayers each & every day! We know that God is protecting Baby Tom & He has him in His loving arms! He & Elizabeth are just absolutely beautiful! Keep up with the great posts...we don't care if they're upside down! We love to read about how we can specifically pray for all of you. Love to you FOUR! Gus is looking forward to hanging out with his new buds! Love, Erin, Luke & Gus Williams
Christina - thanks so much for keeping us updated. I am praying for you. I know it must be emotionally draining to have one baby at home and one still in the nicu. Know that I am praying for YOU and precious little Tom. Remember that the Lord loves him much more than we do (hard to imagine). I wanted to share a blog with you. One of my friends gave birth to twins 100 days early and both boys are now 8 months old and doing really well despite all the odds stacked against them at birth. You might enjoy reading their incredible story and see how God truly healed them and was so faithful in their little lives. The site is www.thebollines.blogspot.com. You have to go into the dec 2006 archives to see the beginning of their story.
Love all the pics of your precious children.
Rachel Wood Norris
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